Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Going Private

Hey, I just started this blog, but I don't want EVERYONE to have access to it. If you are interested in being invited to view it, post a comment with your email address and then in a week or so when I make it private, I will email you the invitation to join my posse of cool people only.

...and heads up, I am not a blogger, so this wont be udated all that often or be super exciting to read until I get the hang of it- just a forewarning.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bremer Family Pictures

Well it took Over 2 years for the Bremers to take another family picture but we did it. The Lowes are taking over! 2 Riecks, 4 Bremers, 5 Dulgarians, and 6 Lowes.

Here are all the girls! Again... We are taking over!

Looks like the guys do not even want to touch!

Look at these cute kids. I love Matthews and Joes face here.

Here is Kenzy and her best friend. Even if he cant spend the night.... thanx alot Rob and Steph!